Schools In Lebanon: Helping Expand Horizons

Armenian Evangelical Churches have always been pioneers in establishing quality schools and supporting education.

Soon after the 1918 Armenian Genocide, the survivors who took refuge in the shanty camps of Aleppo, Syria and Beirut, Lebanon were helped by the AMAA with establishing Kindergartens and elementary schools. The AMAA played a very significant role by finding resources to purchase properties and build schools, provide scholarships, and meet urgent needs created by the political storms that passed over the Middle East.

Today, the Armenian Evangelical Community of Lebanon boasts four Secondary (K-12) Schools and one Middle (K-8) School, which are owned and operated by the Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East (UAECNE):

  • Armenian Evangelical College of Beirut
  • Armenian Evangelical Central High School of Ashrafieh
  • Armenian Evangelical Shamlian-Tatigian Secondary School of Nor Marash in Bourj Hammoud
  • Armenian Evangelical Secondary School of Anjar
  • Armenian Evangelical Peter & Elizabeth Torossian Middle School of Nor Amanos in Bourj Hammoud.

All of these schools depend on the AMAA’s Child Education programs.
AMAA provides educational support through:
1) operational support
2) tuition sponsorship
3) scholarship assistance

Despite the political storms in the country, these schools have maintained their quality of education, their spiritual and moral orientation and have a good track record in passing governmental exams.

Heading Photo: Armenian Evangelical Secondary School of Anjar

Meet Sarkis

Sarkis emigrated to Lebanon from Iraq after his father was killed there. He, his mother and older sister are living with his grandmother in a two room apartment.

Sarkis is a fifth grader at the Armenian Evangelical P & E Torossian School of Nor Amanos in Bourj Hammoud.

Sponsor a child today! Visit the AMAA Child Sponsorship siteto view profiles of students who need to be sponsored.

If you have any questions, contact Lucy Rastguelenian in the AMAA Sponsorship Department via email or telephone at (201) 265-2607.

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