A Legacy of Faith, Love and Service

Centennial Campaign Committee Members Campaign Goals Capital Projects Naming Opportunities Ways to Give

For almost one hundred years, the Armenian Missionary Association of America has served the Lord by putting faith into action for our brothers and sisters in need. We have built churches, schools, and camps, provided life-giving medical care, created educational opportunities, met the needs of those in want, and done so much more.

Camp Sheen Shoghik.png

Camp Sheen Shoghik

donatebuttonUpon this legacy of faith, love, and service, we embrace a future filled with opportunities to do even more, a second century of serving the Lord by serving others. So we embark on the AMAA Centennial Campaign — a $20 million commitment to another hundred years of touching lives the world over.

When the AMAA was founded in 1918, there were more than 100,000 widows and orphans spread throughout the Middle East. We answered the call to meet their spiritual and physical needs. In the Christian spirit, we still answer the call for those in need in our Homeland, in the Middle East, and around the world.